Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Somaya brought me this delicious cake and lemonade.

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Saturday Sulton invited me to visit them.

Sultan & two year old, Hamad. Somaya preferred not to be photographed.
They are from Saudi Arabia and will be here for 2 years, while Sultan gets his Masters in civil engineering. Somaya has her BA in business and is studying English at Union Collage.

Gabi read to Alice. Gianna petted Sammy

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Alice invited us to dinner on Thursday eve.

It was delicious.
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Monday, September 10, 2007

I needed to be at Messiah @ 11:30 for Janna & Joe Recker's wedding which was @3:30.

They had the rehearsal dinner at church so I had to stay until they left the night before. the colors were chocolate & cream
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Saturday the girls stayed from 9-11

I invited Alice and Sammy to stop so the girls could play with Sammy. Gabi read to them from the reading book she made. Alice was a 7th grade high school teacher of English in Ashland.
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Alice and Sammy brought these.

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Alice & Sammy had lunch with me labor Day.

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