Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blessings on this worthy project.

I copied this from my daughter Suzanne's blog http://treebythesea.blogspot.com/ about the Fundraiser she is doing to help fund bringing home her two little girls that she is adopting from Haiti.

Lovelie-5 years old

Rosalynda-2 years old

Bringing Home Rosalynda and Lovelie Fund Raiser

I have decided to do a fund raiser for bringing my two girls home. Adoption is expensive and with all the other stuff we have going on; things have been tight.Many people do adoption fund raisers...everything from garage sales to just plain asking for donations.I couldn't think of anything that would work for us, until I thought of my soap.So I am making a bunch of different batches of goat milk soap and will have them up for sale on my blog in about 4-6 weeks when they are finished curing.Hopefully, there will be some interest in this sort of fundraising or I will have a ton of soap on my hands.

Makin' Soap
I started making soap for my "Bringing Rosalynda and Lovelie Home Fund raiser" two days ago.Today I made my third batch. I am making different kinds of soap than I have made in the past; so it is interesting to see how each batch turns out. The first day I made the basic Goat Milk Soap recipe, yesterday I made Honey Goat Milk Soap, and today I made the Luxury Goat Milk Soap and I added coffee and peppermint essential oil.

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