Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is one of the many things they auctined off.

Allan meet me at the inside gate but I didn't get a picture of him. We were parked way up a hill and there was only one enterance so I decided to leave because it look like thunderheads were forming in the southeast and I wanted to be past 14 & 39 if it started to rain. Diamond Rio was to play at 9:30. I left at 8:00. I'm glad I did. As I started up the hill towards my car I called Allan he was almost home. I didn't know he'd gone. He said it was so noise and he had a head ache. It rained hard from Osceola to York. I followed a truck's headlights.

Allan called me yesurday while I was in Omaha to say they got 3-4 inches there a@ 9:30 and probably some didn't get home until 2:00.
It hadn't rained in Lincoln,but did during the night.
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