Tuesday, May 1, 2007

G Carol, Keaton & G Allan Mary's Steak House Plainview

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Kim J. Clark said...

Mom, Thanks for coming Sat. & Sunday. Was so great to see you.

Thanks for the pictures on your blog. Keep them coming. Do you have more? I don't have any...so this is great...

Love you,,,Love Kim

G Carol's said...

Kim, I do have a few more pictures.

I'm so pleased that I could come to Keaton's confirmation. I want to read his Testiment of Faith sometime.

I gave Kim her Graduation Card Sunday. I won't be coming for her reception. I will come to Aunt Leora's 80th Birthday Party at the L church in Neligh 2-4 on the 13th.
I will be attending Beth Moore's gathering in Omaha with many from Messiah on Friday eve. & Sat am.the 11&12th.

Thank you for dinner Sunday.

