Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm happy to report that God has blessed my healing process. I can to things with my hand except feed myself, & fix my hair. Leah brought me some groceries yesterday put the rest of my Christmas decoration away in the patio closet and garage. She bought up paper suppies from the garage.

I now have Valentine's Day effect in my apartment.

I have been able to care for the girls. I don't pick Gianna up with mt right hand. but she does sit after I use my left arm.

I have my 2 week app with Drs. Fehringer, and Dr. Firestone at the Ne. Med. Center in Omaha on Wed. the 30th.
The Tewes have offered to take me. This is such a big help,thank you June and Will.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep it up.

I'm happy to report that Alice is comming home today from St. Elizebeth after spending a week for respitory compication.

Alice took me to four of my 5 Dr. app. after my elbow fracure.

Blessings, G Carol

Leah, also enjoyed some bean soup when she picked up Gianna.

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It was nice having Luan spend Thurs. night with me. She was attending the Vet. Convention at ES.

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Funny, Gabi.

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Kim took over my kitchen. thank you Kim for getting me organized.

Kim suggested that I ask for insilation under my corner cubboard and behind my dishwasher. I'm happy to report that it was done this week,Kim.
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