Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sunday Jan. 6th I fell on black ice when I was going to Alice's car to go to church.

My feet went out from under me. My right elbow hit the corner of the concrete curb, fracturing it severely. I went to church & put ice on it until Mon. when a Alice took me to Urgent Care across the street and they sent me (on Tues). to an Orthopedic Surgeon who told me I had 3 choices, a second cast operate & repair, or replace the elbow. I asked that Dr. Tewes from Messiah & whose mother June is in my bible class give his opinion. Doug Tewes call me that afternoon and said he felt those were my three choices. He felt those were my choices but recommended I see Dr. Fehinger in Omaha since he's the best elbow dr. (Doug's is knees) He made a 7:30 am appointment on Wed. which Leah and he girl's took me to.

The surgery was schuduled got 7:30 on 15. They did CT scan ,EKG, Chest X-ray and the bloodwork. When I went to anasthesia. they said that the wanted me to go to Nebr. Heart In. and Fri. On Thursday I went to my MD, which they set up for a physical. Dr. Coughlin had taken an EKG in 05, which he forwared to Omaha and the NHI.

Dr. Gard recommended a 3 hr.,stress test. I was cleared for Tues's Surgery.

Thanks to Alice for taking me to those four Drs.,Leah for Omaha and Yvonne for watching Gianna on Friday.

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