Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Carol Still in Hospital

Hello Everyone,

This is Carol's daughter, Suzanne, again. Just wanted to give you a quick up-date on Mom's status. Mom is still in the Hospital in Omaha and will be there overnight again tonight. They will evaluate her again tomorrow and hope to be able to release her to go home then.

She is off of her more powerful pain killers now and is doing well. However, she does have a bladder infection now.

Mom would like for you to pray for healing of her bladder infection and pray that her arm does not become infected.

My sister, Kim, is still with Mom and staying with relatives of hers in the Omaha area over night.

Thank you for your continued prayers,

Suzanne (Carol's daughter)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that surgery went well. I'm praying for a fast and full recovery. I really appreciate that you are keeping the blog updated with what is going on.

Love, Matilda