Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 14-22

Saturday about a hundred ladies from Messiah gathered @ 8:30-11"30 for "Route 66" Good fellowship and Bible study. I had a wedding @ 3:00 so there were pictures and since they were having their reception there I assisted in getting some things ready for that. However I was able to get home by 7:00.

Sunday went to 8 service. Pastor Buss and his family, who we've called, from Ill. answered questions from the group between sevices. The called Principle also was introduced. I met his wife the day befor @Route 66. I hope God leads them both to us.

Monday the girls were here. I picked up Gabi from K on Tuesday also. They are coming today also because I am going with 40 others from M to KC to see the "Dead Sea Scrolls" at Union Station. The fellowship of" likeminds" should be wonderful also.

Yesturday the girls and I walked to "Leah's" for a cut & ect. Last eve Kathy, from bible study ,who also lives in this complex and I walked to Hyvee for a wine tasting event. Informative & we had great conversation.

Leah is working today. They should come about noon.

Friday I will have the girls and a rehersal in eve. Pastor John will not be able to attend so I will have the rehersal myself. The wedding is @4 on Sat. The bride has a music theropy business and plays a bass violin in "worship team"so the music should be great.

Sunday I will attend 8:00 and be @ the "small group" table. We are organizing more small groups now for fall. I will lead one that I want to be 2 couples, and mixed singles all ages. That eve we meet for MIF -Messiah In Fellowship for Min, Golf and later to eat @ one couples home. There are 3 couples and two of us girls who are single. She lost her huband. We are together once a month for 4 mon. Groups don't meet in the summer. We will all be in another group this fall. I entertained for dinner in March. The hostess provides the main course and others bring, salad, veg. bread and dessert. Lots of fun and you get to know members more personally. It' s great when you are large like we are.

Blessings on your week. G Carol


Lisa Zuhlke said...


Good, now we can see how you spend you time-looks like you are enjoying your life.

Blessings and hugs,


G Carol's said...

Suzanne helped me change some things. I must figure out the picture now,Lisa. Life is enjoyable.