Saturday, April 28, 2007

The trip was very good. We had to wait for our plane to get into Lincoln. I observed this attractive lady while waiting. she was visiting with some people she knew. When we boarded Jackie and I were sitting together. She has a daughter & family living close to me. She lives in Wahoo. Her daughter was a trip with her work and was including her mother on her trip to Vegas. We had so many things in common. She is a little younger but has diabetes and has thyroid cancer. We will connect again. We exchanged #'s and e-mails. Going back after getting all the way to B 90 there was a tornado threat so we had to go back to the mail conncourse because it was more fortified than the new conncourse where we were waiting. Met more interesting people. The mother of two girls who live in Lincoln. One teaches 6th at Lincoln Lutheran and is the Drama Couch. They have a dinner theater this weekend. She knows Lyle Ziems who also teaches there. The other girl graduated from Doane last may. Molly Smith ,Troy. Met them both while we were waiting for out luggage. We came in at 12:00 two hours late.
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