Saturday, April 21, 2007

Emmanuchta Syrian

I am providing one meal a day and schooling for Emmanucheta throught the Haiti Lutheran Mission Society. Isn't she sweet? I hope to see her some day.


Lisa Zuhlke said...


She is really cute-how old is she? I thought you were sponsering a little boy. Is the misson anywhere near PAP? If it is we can go and visit her for you when we go.

Blessings and hugs,


G Carol's said...

Lisa, I did sponsor Bonel Darious. He is older and no longer in school. I called Marilyn and left a message today. Her husband Warren call me back this eve. He say she is near Les Cayes where we have an orphange and school. He will be going in Sept and probably taking 2 doctors. He will take something to Emmanuchta from me.
Thank you for offering to see her.